
Coronavirus News

Archive for the ‘Chloroquine’ tag

Mar 24, 2020

Here are the 24 Clinical Trials Investigating Repurposing Drugs for Treatment of COVID-19.

Posted by in categories: Clinical Trials, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Drug Trials, Global Pandemic News

Accord­ing to the authors:

We iden­ti­fied 24 clin­i­cal tri­als, involv­ing more than 20 med­i­cines, such as human immunoglob­u­lin, inter­fer­ons, chloro­quine, hydrox­y­chloro­quine, arbidol, remde­sivir, favipi­ravir, lopinavir, riton­avir, oseltamivir, methyl­pred­nisolone, beva­cizumab, and tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cines (TCM).

The full paper can be found here: Clin­i­cal tri­als on drug repo­si­tion­ing for COVID-19 treatment