
Coronavirus News

Archive for the ‘covid-19’ tag

Mar 24, 2020

How China Managed to Control Coronavirus and Why the US Will Fail

Posted by in categories: control strategy, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Global Pandemic News, Understanding Epidemics

Reposted from Quora. This is a fas­ci­nat­ing expla­na­tion of why China was capa­ble of gain­ing a cer­tain amount of con­trol over the spread of COVID-19. The arti­cle fur­ther exposes the sig­nif­i­cant weak­nesses of the United States, mak­ing it clear that we are not well-positioned to effec­tively deal with the Sars-Cov-2 pan­demic: As some­one who lives in China, how do you feel they are com­bat­ing COVID-19?

Mar 24, 2020

Here are the 24 Clinical Trials Investigating Repurposing Drugs for Treatment of COVID-19.

Posted by in categories: Clinical Trials, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Drug Trials, Global Pandemic News

Accord­ing to the authors:

We iden­ti­fied 24 clin­i­cal tri­als, involv­ing more than 20 med­i­cines, such as human immunoglob­u­lin, inter­fer­ons, chloro­quine, hydrox­y­chloro­quine, arbidol, remde­sivir, favipi­ravir, lopinavir, riton­avir, oseltamivir, methyl­pred­nisolone, beva­cizumab, and tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cines (TCM).

The full paper can be found here: Clin­i­cal tri­als on drug repo­si­tion­ing for COVID-19 treatment

Mar 14, 2020

COVID-19 Update; 3/14/2020. A Message From Concerned Physicians

Posted by in categories: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Global Pandemic News

Please read the update below. We under­stand that infor­ma­tion com­ing from our gov­ern­ment, the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, and the Cen­ter for Dis­ease Con­trol have been con­fus­ing or con­tra­dic­tory. Here’s what a group of physi­cians want us to know about COVID-19, what actions we should take to pro­tect our­selves, and what we should be pre­pared to experience.

Why are we writ­ing this? 

Quote from Michael Leavitt on COVID-19
Quote from Mark Levitt on COVID-19

The COVID-19 pan­demic has reached a point where con­tain­ment is no longer pos­si­ble. The COVID-19 threat is real, and rapidly get­ting worse. Many of you are very ner­vous, some are unsure of the valid­ity of the infor­ma­tion you are read­ing. As physi­cian lead­ers, we felt it was impor­tant to craft a resource you can rely on as being sci­en­tif­i­cally accu­rate and one which con­tains as much action­able infor­ma­tion and guid­ance as possible. 

Accu­rate, action­able infor­ma­tion dur­ing an epi­demic can save lives. Physi­cians are on the front line of this epi­demic. Not only are we treat­ing the sick, but we are also cring­ing at the mis­in­for­ma­tion spread through both tra­di­tional broad­cast and social media. Evi­dence mat­ters. Unfor­tu­nately, the evi­dence is often slow, method­i­cal, and bor­ing and has a tough time against clicky head­lines and exag­ger­a­tion. We believe that an accu­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the cur­rent COVID-19 pan­demic fol­lowed by a set of action­able steps you, your loved ones, politi­cians and local offi­cials can uti­lize is of para­mount impor­tance and ulti­mately could save tens of thou­sands of lives. 

Read the rest of the arti­cle here:…CA9LcsNi00

Mar 4, 2020

How is Case Fatality Rate (CFR) Calculated During an Epidemic

Posted by in category: Understanding Epidemics

Edi­tors Note: This post is reshared from Quora because it helps us under­stand how we cal­cu­late CFR (case fatal­ity rates) from epi­demics like #COVID-19. Link to the orig­i­nal post is here:

Post Author: C Stu­art Hard­wick, Award-Winning Scifi Author, Ana­log regular

Guess what? Epi­demi­ol­o­gists aren’t dumb.

Mor­tal­ity rate never includes undi­ag­nosed cases—of any dis­ease, at least not in the way you mean.

Continue reading “How is Case Fatality Rate (CFR) Calculated During an Epidemic” »